Sunday, October 18, 2009

Humanitarian EYEGLASSES project for the Holidays...

   Beginning NOW, the shop is collecting your old or new eyeglasses for an upcoming Ghana Africa trip. There is a HUGE need for eyeglasses. Please bring them into the shop and we will make sure they get delivered to the Brighteyes Foundation that the shop supports.

   We will take $1.00 off your purchase for each pair that is brought in.

Also we had the most wonderful donation of  handmade tags by Sherri at punkrose, they are packaged beautifully, 3 to a package and 100% of the purchase will go towards the needs of the people in Ghana for a December delivery. As always...the tags are to die for.

  Our deadline right now is Dec. 1

Okay...start cleaning out those drawers! ( we prefer the glass in the glasses not to be all scratchy).

Thanks to all of you and to the Brighteyes Foundation for this project.


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