Thursday, September 17, 2009


Should us 3 daughters send our mother flowers tomorrow, the guiding light is going off the air after Friday, running 72 years the longest a show has ever ran? So why did she have to pick Guiding Light? We don't know. She has been taking this week really hard, it's almost like her "other family" is...what,dying, living happily ever after? she is just chatting away at what is happening...I don't know as I have never seen Guiding light, only know that Reva has had 7 0r 9 husbands and the Baur 4th of July party takes precidence over OUR 4th of July parties!

Her life has seriously evolved around watching this show everyday at 1:00 we know "do not disturb mother" at that time of day. And when she starts to talk about her "other family" we just kind of roll our eyes (without her seeing), and we shake our heads up and down as if we are listening...oh? yes! That's awful. Really?

Maybe 5 white carnations, representing her real 5 children and a red rose representing her husband? What should we say on a card? It would have to be funny wouldn't it? Or is this more seriously than we think?
I have consulted with sisters...the delivery will be made at 2:10 today, she will be very suprised and the delivery man will probably find her crying? probably.

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