Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jeweled SHABBY & CHIC SPIDERS in now...

Arachnaphobic? These stunning jeweled spiders will cure that...they arrived and are climbing all over the vintage dishes, their looks could be deceiving? Pretty but deadly? They are in aqua's, pinks, pearls, crystals, blacks, creative combinations, even a brilliant red spider and a few red/black. We have giant spiders too, All handmade.

Sparkly black and silver skeletons are haunting Just a bed of Roses shop windows and chandaliers.
And I have some work to do...putting the back of the shop together after 3 1/2 hours of getting a new phone line...back to business! The worker with his big ladder didn't break a thing...that's better than I do in a day.
Will take a picture of the "new spiders" that arrived today.

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