Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gouls gone wild...bewitching finds

Friday I call it "Gouls gone wild" daughter & granddaughters visit & lots of fun spirited customers today. Shellie had her unique 6th sense about shipments coming to the shop today and there were 4 good ones, I was buried in lacy Spider web tablecloths & skeleton window panels, zebra print paper products, and roses ribbon in red, green, pink and cream that was featured on studio 5...what a Pleasant suprise, thank you studio 5! It is one of the most fabulous ribbons ever invented in my lifetime. Now we have 6 colors, the other two are bronze brown and a babyblue brown mix.OOPS... How could I forget tea dyed...a whole roll is in the oven as I speak. We have black cats & witches on moons and pumpkins too in collectable figurines, going fast though...way to fast, scarying me!

Shellie, its up to you to photo the witch, spider web & skeleton lacey panels in your home, I have them hanging in the shop, not sure I can get a decent picture

Note the grandgouls couldn't leave without their bags of caramel chococlate pretzels! And photo was taken BEFORE having lunch at Franciscos! Check out Shellies outfit...all she needs is a WITCH HAT!

Now I am off to visit from Layton and see their blog as one of our cute customers, Karaden (spelled wrong?) designed the displays, the photo was taken inside her home. Just viewed it's wonderful , great job rodworks. I've just got to get my bravery on and go on that show...need 40 lbs off and need to be tranquilized.

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