Friday, August 14, 2009

Can you feel it in the air?

It's that time of year when we start to cozy up our homes...don't be scared!


  1. oooooh I can feel it!!!! I wish it was here now! I want to decorate.

  2. Yes, I can feel it in the air. I don't want fall to be, go go go, I want to be able to just, sew sew sew.

  3. Oh Brenda, you have been busy in the shop! I LOVE this time of year, and the pumpkins look so cute... if it is not storming bad later I am coming out to shop!

  4. Hasn't this been a GREAT weekend weather wise? Love it! I am looking forward to cozy fall. I'm ready for the change. Mimi

  5. It is starting to feel more like fall with the cooler weather. Can't wait to see all your goodies.

  6. I love decorating for fall and then Christmas. Do you still have the skeleton with the jewelry from last year? I want you to save me one if you do....I will come purchase it! I have been regretting not getting it last year.

  7. Brenda, Come up to Swiss Days and visit me this year, booth A54 (south side facing Main Street). I've been painting up a storm of Halloween items, plus I still owe you $11.00!!

  8. Janae...I have been going to call you since may...boy do I have the stuff you could paint and its so cheap! 1-3.00 with a few 5.00 things, I mean tables, piles!

    If you need to come before swiss days let me know. I am home today, wed (maybe) and thursday.
    And then next tues. thursday,

    Or will be selling out to the weber fair grounds sept 12 if not raining if you want to come after labor day.
    I just cant do it all, shop keep and all these projects in my life time!!!!
    You dont owe me 11.00 okay!
    For sure I will be up to swiss days, now i know where TO FIND YOU and the customers can find you. In fact send me some booth pictures or items on email or your website and I will do a blog about you and swiss days okay!

  9. Brenda, I tried to send you an email to but it would'nt go through, do you have a new email address?

  10. Brenda, I tried to send you a email to and it would not go through, do you have a new email address?

  11. and it usually wont get there from the blog you have to go to your email to do it, okay.


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