Saturday, July 18, 2009

Music fills us up...

In these days of political, personal & economic disentigration, music is not a luxury, it is a necessity, not simply because its theraputic,not because it is the universal language, but because it is the persistant focus of our intelligent aspiration and goodwill....Robert Shaw

This reminded me of when I mentioned to a choir member to just picture the audience as these empty vessels and as you sing your beautiful music they just keep filling up until they are pouring over. One choir member said thats exactly how I sometimes feel when I go to practice, we run in tired from our weeks responsibilities, busy lives etc and by the time we have rehearsed we are just "filled up".

So whenever I get questioned if I ever got tired of hearing the performances over and over, I say no...I always need a refill even now!


  1. We went to the choir performance last night too. Wasn't it wonderful? Was this the program that they did for the tour? We really enjoyed ourselves. Mimi

  2. Their music really is beautiful...we have their Christmas one, I play it often at Christmas time...


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