Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farmington days this week...parade Saturday

We are open this week... it's Farmington Days...lots of things to do so check a farmington calender. Shop will open AFTER the parade Saturday. We will begin marking things down this month to get ready for the new coming in August and we may get our wonderful sock monkey merchandise this month...I know you will be excited about that.

We received the diamond ring key chains, nice for bridal showers etc.

I will be away from blogging for awhile, my cute grandsons want grandma to take them to the cabin...what's a grandma to do? Oh dear, I just realized the parade of Homes is going on this week...will someone take pictures for me!!! Maybe I can slide them in someway somehow...who knows.

Must also pay my respects to Michael Jackson and sympathies to his family, I especially adored him in my younger days with the Jackson 5. We were in Iowa having dinner with the choir waiting for the concert at the Wells Fargo Center, and a tv happen to be above our table. I don't remember seeing a tv turned on at all while on the trip. Saw the announcement he had gone to the hospital and then he passed on. I just said "this is big, this is really big". It is big, isnt it.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, I'm glad your going to the cabin with the grandsons. That's cool! About Jackson, ya it's big! My compassion is for the little boy who was expected to do the work of 2 men or get slaped around.

    I really admired his efforts.

    Have fun!


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