Saturday, June 27, 2009

Words cannot describe...this tour

I only have a few minutes to say a big hello...Words cannot describe the emotions, inspiration & beauty of being on this Mormon Tabernacle Choir tour...I would try to explain but there are alot of men on the computers around me and I don't see them with a box of kleenex! We are on the 6th concert today in Oklahoma, I have a huge admiration for this choir, they work hard and they don't just sing, they use every ounce of everything they have to give the audience the "fill up" that is needed to their spirit.
Just had ribs and icecream for breakfast/lunch in a cool place called Bricktown, kind of like Gateway only bigger and a calming river goes through it. Felt just a little out of place in my skirt walking through it all with a HUGE Harley Davidson Rally going on! Just laughed about it though, OKAY I CAN handle this! It's 105 degrees.
Appreciate your business this summer, it has become summer there now hasn't it?


  1. It's warming up! Finally. In the 90's today. Glad you're having a fun trip. Lucky you. Mimi

  2. Hello Brenda, so happy you are having a nice time, hmm, ribs and ice cream for breakfast? Sounds like my kind of place! Jack would be loving the Harley things going on...

  3. So glad to see that your still around. I'm sure your having the time of your life. I miss your daley blogs.

  4. Glad your having such a marvelous adventure Miss Brenda!!
    It's hot today!! Yes, it's finally summer :)

  5. Happy that you're having a great time. Look forward to hearing all about it when you return.


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