Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summertime Sweets

Mini chocolatechip cookies packaged for summertime gift giving or afternoon sugar lows!
The pretzels arrived and are fresh and gooey, they too are a refreshing summer delight!
Bloggings done for the day, now off to my fun garage to get furniture refinished, and more piles to go through for the BIG YARD SALE SATURDAY!


  1. Oh Brenda, I MUST have some of those goody goody gumballs! That was one of my favorite sayings as a little girl if Jill got something and I didn't! MUST also get some of those Red Hot Mama's (Hotflashes, you know!) Julie Marie http://idyllhours.blogspot.com/

  2. Those look yummy. Save me some. Cute gifts too.


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