Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh my heck...

100 million votes and Adam didnt win...I am in shock. Wasn't Kris in shock too?

Adam was SO fantastic singing with Kiss and everything else, loved the Santana number the best. My favorite song "Black Magic Woman"... pondering back to college days dating a drummer in a band, they always played that song...shhh don't tell Mr. Roses I mentioned this, bad girl!

Adam has been such a unique contestant. He really doesn't need winning Idol to be HUGE. Last year David Archuletta was my pick. Can't wait to see where Adam is in a year, well, okay... two years.

Fantastic finale program, didnt you love it? If I had fingernails to bite, they would have been bitten off.

Guess right now I am a sad/bad loser who didn't vote... WILL BE happy for Kris tomorrow, promise. What did YOU think?


  1. OH!!! I so glad that Kris won!!
    He just had more overall appeal..and I'm sure he got a lot of Danny's fans votes too.
    Adam has great doubt about it...but he's just toooooooooo over the top for a lot of folks.One thing I did like about Adam was that he seemed sincere and kind and respectful. Sorry but we taped it and fast forwarded during most of those scary *rocker* singers!
    I just hope that Kris stays true to himself and remembers why so many voted for him and doesn't get all weird and snooty.

  2. Hi Brenda, it's 2:46am and I am reading this, so I think I'll tell you what I think about American Idol.

    Adam has one of the most perfect voices I've ever heard. Plus, he had something from the beginning that Chris didn't have. Confedence!

    Chris turned out to surprise the world. He had the voice and style all along. It was just in the back ground of all that talent on stage.

    Your right, Adam is going to make it. BIG! But Chris is truely an idol - one that ALL kids can look up too. Taking raw but true talent and working your hardest to let it show. I really think American Idol turned out the way that it was suppose to. And I, for one, was very excited. I'm proud to watch it next year.

  3. I agree. I was in shock. Kris is very talented and so cute (ok I may have a bit of a crush), but Adam is a superstar. That voice. His presence. He's the whole package. Very Elvis to me.

  4. I think we set our selves up for disappointment when we predict who we think is going to win. I personally liked Danny Gokey. Loved his smooth voice. I did like Adam as well although I am not too into the screaming rock thing. Kris I just didnt get. He's kinda awkward and goofy and certainly was not the best singer-that is why this was such a surprise...Hugzzz...Tiina...

  5. I loved Dannys progression alot too, he really grew on me. Your right, you never know who is voting and who will win.
    Rock singers aren't my favorite, don't get all the weirdness, never have. They do have their place though.
    Today I have decided that Adam just doesnt need "american Idol winner" in his portfolio. He got discovered and showed alot of sides to himself.
    Actually, I have been so busy today, didnt think much about it at all.


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