Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jayna's Jewelry...spectacular pieces... handmade... New & Creative

Jayna is bringing in THESE pieces on more that I will post for tuesday! Arent they spectacular...or beyond! do I see Old optical lense? Key chains and charm bracelets? Jayna...Your'e tempting us beyone control! Now I cant wait for her to show up today.
If this isn't enough for you...there are 100's of pieces vintage jewelry arriving this morning...earring, neclaces, pins,gold,retro and sterling silver rings...should I keep going? Lets not forget the new stuff that's here and those waiting for giraffe purses, those should arrive mon. or tuesday. 2 new styles. OH, I almost forgot the BLING HATS will here too... Especially those who have been waiting for the black ones. Its probably time for wearing the WHITES that are coming too.
On the vintage jewelry, we will take 10 percent off your purchase when buying 3 pieces or more on Monday and Tuesday.Remember we don't price high to start with!

P.S...the new ROMANTIC HOMES issue arrived...LOVE the front cover, its done in birdegg blue, with cranberry beautiful. I'm watching the Today show right now...hey don't they know how to handle the snow there in the east?

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