Sunday, March 22, 2009

Charming...Just like Queen Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette indulged herself in fabulous pieces of jewelry and you can to. Had she known about Jayna's altered art jewelry, she certainly would have been one of our customers that are addicted to Jayna's work.
I present to you with the greatest pleasure her newest pieces just arriving at Just A Bed of Roses.

Jayna was antiquing in California a week ago and found this wonderful tea stained dress form...she found it the first part of their vacation and this form followed them everywhere they went! Can you just picture this! I know its something I would have to do about you? I would just have a big smile on my face and hoped I could find you can never have enough dress forms!

The Queen has spoken...sorry, I never call myself Queen, couldn't resist. And there are only 6 Marie Antoinette books left...hurry in if you want one now, hopefully I can re-order.

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