Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jayna's giving us SPRING FEVER...

I say...NO ONE does it better...and that's Jayna's unique altered art neclaces and this is why! This is her FIRST little ALTERED ART bird house neclace... with more to come, each you know will be their own unique masterpiece.
Don't you just love the dried daisies pressed in the stained glass neclaces too.
I still love it when she walks in the door with her art neclaces...we still giggle at the funny things and have our breath taken away by the ones loaded with pretty ornamentations. Jayna restocks her work 2-3 times a week, so there is always new work to enjoy and "gift" those you love.
That's why I say...No One really does it any better!

1 comment:

  1. What lovely designs. Oh, and I must come in to take a look at the purses with the flowers. Very pretty.

    I love that spring is in the air!


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