Thursday, February 19, 2009

1896 Just a Bed of Roses as a Telephone Office

The nicest man came into the shop and brought me this picture of the shop in 1896 as a Telephone Office...SO cool! I was so thrilled I may have to get a neclace done up with it...maybe a 1896 and a 2009 side! How fun. Now i need to get the nice mans name again.
We are having "SNOWY DAY" sales going on at JUST A BED OF ROSES over the next two weeks...just check in and see what's on sale that day there should be MULTIPLE items and be sure to check the 1/2 price drawers.
Always something new arriving, yesterday I brought in some vintage glass pieces,tea dyed linens & florals, we have some pretty pink paper rose garlands and new jewelry designs and purses coming any day now. Jayna brought in the coolest jewelry too, we will be showing her jewerly more often on this blog.
Nows a great time to dig out those old pictures and have a handcrafted neclace made by Jayna.


  1. What a wonderful photo! Thoughtful for him to do that. As soon as the boys are feeling better I will be in to see all your new things. Can't wait!

  2. what a cool picture! You definately need to make a necklace out of it.

  3. Love the picture. Do you think those are the same trees? I'm in sunny California. Wearing flip flops and capris. Don't hate me. Mimi


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