Sunday, January 11, 2009

Walkers Lavender House...what Dixie loves...

Our Second blogging on Women in Utah business and the things they love...
The 4 pictures represent the before and after pictures (very brief versions of what REALLY happened...isn't it amazing?
Welcome...I'm Dixie and here are the things I LOVE MOST:
My husband Dave ALWAYS by my side.
I love being HOME , scented CANDLES...the fragrance and sense of calm they provide.
Love BIRDNESTS... sitting at the computer watching the birds in the morning with the majestic mountains surrounding our home.
I love WARM HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk... JUST HEAVEN! In the winter we have to eat SNOW ICE CREAM, a favorite treat as a child (still is) that my gramma Mary used to make for us.(be sure when you go in the shop to ask about "snow ice cream"...I did and boy was I suprised (and not telling you please ask when you go in)! I love to cozy up with new and old BOOKS.
Love love LOVE my FAMILY, 5 daughters who are beautiful, kind strong women. Four strong and gently son-inlaws.

Being a grandmother to 18 ANGELS...does it get any better than hearing their laughter, getting big hugs and looking up to those taller than you?
My MEMBERSHIP in the LDS church, the hope and blessings of its teachings in my life.
Love AMERICA, its beauty,strength and its goodness.
I love to collect THOUGHTS and quotes, and I have lots of them.
Shoes I LOVE SHOES! But also love to go barefoot and you'll usually find me wearing denim and having painted toenails, that's a tradition at our family...seriously!

I love vintage/ antique linens and my Phaff is one of my BEST FRIENDS. Adore & collect chippy furniture, especially WHITE...and packaging,love to NESTLE things into other make the packaging part of the gift.

Dix and Dave Walker are owners of Lavender House gift shoppe 9118 Redwood Rd, West Jordan, Utah. Originally located for 4 years on Brigham city's historical main street in an antique 106 yr. old building which they bought and restored, was no small endeavor, that's for sure.

We then set out to find a new home for Lavender house in the south end of Salt Lake valley. Feeling really blessed, we found a charming 1930's home to rent in a great location. It was the homestead of a well-known and loved Schmidt family. We have had many family members as well as friends stop by during the renovation and after we opened to see what we were doing and letting us know they were grateful we "saved" the Homestead from being torn down and for the wonderful new restoration of the home and its grounds.
Most dreams take alot of many ways.
Our ANGEL family, along with many SWEET FRIENDS have given many hours of support in the way of physical endeavors, which we are so grateful for, but more importantly, their on going love, prayers and encouragement are priceless to us. Talk about earthly angels! We could never possibly repay all the kindsness and generosity shown to us from so many. We could have never taken this LHouse journey without you. Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Kim, our lovely and talented daughter #2 lives by our shoppe and is the manager.
Dix and Dave work 2 days a week at the actual shoppe and the rest of & for sale.
It is HARD work to be a SHOPOWNER...dont let anyone kid ya...with the exception of raising a family, this is the hardest work we've done. On the other hand it is so rewarding on many levels. We have been blessed and have witnessed miracles along this Lavender house journey.
Please visit our to see the building and how wonderful the inside is done and the vintage inspired gifts and home decor we offer.
You will see our shop hours and we hope to see you soon and often. Thank you for reading about our new and exciting shop ...and hearing about the things I love,
Dix Walker
On a personal note from Brenda...hey let me know if they check your TOENAILS when you visit to see if they are PAINTED! And I want my friends and customers to know that Dixie is a dear friend and let me consign in her shop for 4 years before I opened up Just a Bed of Roses. Dixie is a very humble behind the scenes person and this was not an easy task to talk about herself, of course when its things you LOVE, it becomes much easier. Thanks a million Dix and good luck with your new shop! Customers please mention that Just a bed of roses sent you in! Thanks!


  1. I'm going to be down that way this week and I'd better go say hi. It sounds like a wonderful shop. Mimi

  2. Mercy me Brenda!! what can I say?
    You are such a SWEET and GENEROUS friend!! T.H.A.N.K.S for the fun post on me, my family and Lavender House! We all appreciate so much...
    You help me and I'll help you and hopfully we'll both get across the stream!
    Again, thanks for your kindness.
    We hope everyone will come see us at LH and also stop and visit with Brenda at her DARLING shop! toenails are always painted! Always.

    Best of blessings to you my friend.

  3. I wish I was anywhere near there. It looks wonderful,
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Frangrance and Findings

  4. WOW! that dixie sounds like a great LADY!! full of spunk and pokey hair. :)
    do her creative juices never end? And her husband----man, he can do it ALL!

    She sounds alike like my mother!

    The store SOUNDS incrediable and somewhere you would want to die and be buried at. :)

    {luv ya M & D...great work}

  5. silly...I am so glad you mentioned your mothers pokey hair and your father...HE definitly gets the Man of the Year there anything he cannot do??? Your parents are just super hard workers at what they love.

  6. Love it! What a nice write up Brenda. Thanks for spotlighting my parents and their store. Dix and Dave are definitely people that WE love and ADORE! =) The world has been blessed by having them apart of it! Not to mention sharing their time and talents with the community.

    But in all honesty the best thing they created was a loving family life for us all...which we now are passing on to their generations to come.

    I've always been curious Brenda, do you have sister-in-law in Logan named Lisa? If so, I know her! =)

  7. OMG OMG OMG, I met Dixie online last week, as she placed a Candylights order with me and we got to talking. She is such a sweet lady, I would love to meet her in person. I will have to visit her blog to tell her I got to read all about her here. Thanks Brenda for showcasing Dixie and Dave today, otherwise I would have never gotten to know her better.

  8. Nice to meet you Dixie!! I like the After Pictures, so darling, wish I culd spend the weekend there. Too bad I am all the way in Oregon - I like the Women in Business feature you are doing Mrs. B!! xoxo

  9. Great post, I love the pictures of her finished home.

  10. Brenda

    I just love before and afters. Dixie's home is beautiful.


  11. What an awesome write up on Lavender House! THANK YOU BRENDA!!! It is an incredible store with two incredible owners!

  12. My God daughter is in Salt Lake I will have to tell her all about Dixie. happy New year. Lovely post. Lilli

  13. What a neat stories with so much heart!
    Susan *dutchrose*

  14. Thanks for sharing your story. What a nice post.

    Love the work they did on the Lavender House.


  15. HI Brenda,
    What a nice post. And Dixie sounds really nice too. Thanks for sharing that.

  16. That place looks so nice! Wish I could visit in person!

    Have a great week!

    Pei Li

  17. Hi, I heard about you from a friend of mine. I am getting married and am wondering if you have any old Chandeliers that I could rent from you. I don't even know if you have anu for sure or if you would rent them to me! I would love for you to email me back and we could get in contact! My email is, thank you so much!

  18. What a wonderful shop! I wish i could go there! Great post Brenda.
    bunny kisses,


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