Sunday, January 25, 2009

Find out what JAYNA LOVES in our weekly feature of Utah Business women and what they LOVE

Hi, I'm Jayna Rice and I have been asked to be the 4th "Women in Utah Business" and the things they love...featured on JUST A BED OF ROSES blog...Jayna does the soldered art neclaces in the shop...her new design is the houses...check the doghouse...ever been in one of those??? We sometimes have Men who come into the shop and they certainly are trying to get out of the "doghouse", these would work!

I LOVE TO CREATE! I love the process of creating. I believe you can be creative in almost everything you do in life. To me, creativity is just looking at or doing something in a different way.
I've been involved in small business' off and on for over 30 years. From selling cardboard santas to earn enough for Christmas presents when first married to teaching and selling tole painted items in stores and boutiques when THAT was the BIG thing. I have always loved creating things in miniature.

A couple years ago I came upon some silver soldered pendants. It became a passion of mine to figure out how to create them. I studied and researched and bought my first soldering gun, some expensive silver solder and glass. I am completely self-taught and have never taken a class. I couldn't have given away my first pieces! But I've kept them as inspiration and a reminder that things can get better. I don't know which I love the most: creating the little scenes digitally or the actual soldering. But people seem to love them as much as I do. I have to admit it's been fun to be a fly on the wall in the shop and watch people rummage through my necklaces, which hang on old vintage cloth dress forms in the shop.
I hear their comments and laughter and how this piece or that piece reminds them of someone they love.It is very rewarding to me.

I love my studio, where I am surrounded with the things I love: from the antique four drawer file cabinet, the old post office cubby holder, or the hanging "bare" lamp shade. It is in this room where I get immersed in creating and forget everything but this.(Thanks Jayna for showing your "work space with us".
I love antiques. I love the feel of old things that have been worn down with time. I love to re-purpose old things and give them a new use. I love my new mittens recently created from old sweaters I felted. I love my collections of old wire flower frogs, old buttons, Watt pottery and quilts.
I love being home, which, because I work full-time, is even more precious. I love having an evening when I do not have any responsibilities and I can create. People wonder why someone who works full-time would also have a small business. It's because we have to fulfill this need inside of us to just create!

I love to exercise. No, really. I don't love getting up at 4:45 each weekday and going to the gym, but I love the feeling I get after I'm finished. I love that 2 years ago, at the ago at the age of 55, I completed my first half-marathon. I love that I have an exercise buddy. I love that I am healthy and that I have been cancer free for 24 years!
I love my family and I love my five darling grandchildren who bring smiles and love with every visit.
I love my Savior, who sustains me.
I love my friends, who are a support and a constant in my life.
I love that I have a full-time job that I love...well, most of the time. I love being immersed in technology and helping teachers troubleshoot their websites so that they can have a successful experience. I love the creative side of technology.

I have always loved photography but it has become a passion of mine in recent years. My first camera was a Kodak Brownie, which I still have! I love my Nikon SLR and wonder how I ever took pictures with anything else. I love going on photo shoots with my photography buddy.

There's a story to tell after every adventure, like the recent one of the gigantic moose on the trail during our hike. Nothing like almost sacrificing your life to get a good picture! Oh, and I love taking macros of flowers.
I love art! I have dabbled in oils, watercolors and acrylics. Someday I want to pursue watercolors again.
I love using my computer to be creative. And I love Photoshop! I love to take my laptop and put my feet up somewhere, open up Photoshop, choose an old photo, some ephemera and create something from scratch. I actually sleep better on those days!
I love discovering an old photo and sharing it with my daughter, Wendy, who also creates amazing soldered art.
I love old quilts and I love my quilt group, Little By Little...where we share our talents and creativity each month.
A year and a half ago I heard there was a wonderful little shop around the corner from where I work. I walked in and there was BRENDA! We go waaay back to when we were "young" 1976,(each with a few small babies) and in a group called "Utah Young Homemakers" It was a fun surprise and reunion after all these years. A few weeks later I asked her if she would be interested in selling some of my soldered necklaces. It's been a fun and successful ride. She's a dear friend and very supportive. We seem to laugh at every visit! Entering her shop feels like I'm home, as we seem to love the same "old" things! Seriously!

A note from Brenda...its a joy to have Jayna come through the door with her neclaces and charms, oh we do laugh and ohhhh and ahhhhh at each one of them. Jayna has talent oozing from her and is very modest about it. In fact we get after her for not wearing her OWN jewlery...and she has quite a LARGE FOLLOWING of customers who adore her work, many have had special orders done with family members and their own sayings creating quite an heirloom. You can see her sense of humor and her love for life as she expresses it through her creative work. This exercise thing you talk about...I am so impressed!!! Thanks Jayna for being a part of the shop... the customers cannot live without YOU. You are a Joy and make us happy!


  1. I love her designs! Really different look!
    Susan *dutchrose*

  2. Brenda

    I'm enjoying your weekly features. I just love Jayna's charms.


  3. Love the charms. The doghouse one is great! Gotta love it! What a neat story and I love the name Janya.

  4. Fun designs and Jayna sounds like a fun person but you definitely need to get her to wear her own designs.

  5. So nice to meet your friend Jayna, thanks. Love the pendants, the houses are really great. Jayna, you have to wear your own jewelry!!
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  6. Hi Brenda,, thank you for sharing your friend Jayna with us. She sounds like an awesome friend. She is very talented and we wont hold it against her because she like to exercise. LOLOL. Her mittens are adorable too! :) Hugs, gail

  7. What a nice story....her work is really nice too!

    Pink hugs,

  8. Love the designs. Also loved those mittens.

  9. I've known Jayna for quite awhile now, but not NEARLY as long as YOU Brenda! LOL She's a dear friend, and OH so talented at everthing from art and decorating, to being a good example and a good friend. How lovely that you've featured her on your blog!

  10. Another sweet post Brenda!
    Very nice to meet another one of your friends. Hi Jayna!
    Fun to read about some of the things she loves, her family and business adventures!
    I really loved the D.A.R.L.I.N.G. mittens! Much success to you Jayna!
    THANKS Brenda for providing a way for us to get our name out there a bit and to get to know other very lovely ladies!
    Everyone enjoy your day!
    Dix (Lavender House)

  11. Hi Brenda,
    what a great post. Thanks for sharing Jayna with us!

  12. I love Jayna and all her creations. I have a whole collection of her pendants. My favorites are two ballerinas. I wear them all the time. I even blogged about one of the ballerinas.

    I was happy to learn even more about this talented girl.

  13. I love her charms! They are really unique. Thanks for sharing!


  14. Brenda Jayna's charms are just well... charming! Your features of these fabulous people are wonderful.
    Bunny hugs,

  15. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awwwwwwwwwwww they are all devine,

  16. Brenda, What a lovely tribute to your very talented friend Jayna. I loved the felt mittens! So glad you two reconnected through your bliss.
    The Polka Dot Rose

  17. I so love those soldered charms. It is so great getting to know her. Mimi

  18. It's nice to hear other women working outside the home also enjoy owning a small business. It's a wonderful creative outlet.

    Thanks for sharing your series on women in business. Very enjoyable!


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