Sunday, January 18, 2009

All things in the West...Annie's Loves

Meet Annie West from Syracuse Utah...
I love my Savior.
My membership in the LDS Church.
Loooooong Baths.
SHOES...High heels...I get this from my mom but not the high part!
"I love U's " from my children
Anything vintage
My camera!
Making thing out of "crap"
Working in my yard.
Thrift shopping.
I love my parents DEARLY, they taught me hard work and they know how to fix ANYTHING!

I am a wife, mother, a picture taker, a queen AND a slave---all in the same day!
I am married to my best friend...he supports me in ALL my hobbies.
Coming from a VERY crafty sweet parents who owns Lavender House, has
helped my sisters and I develop talents in many areas.
Among the things I have made are jewelry, bags, shabby-ed up furniture, sewn aprons, pillows and MUCH more.
My husband is always the one to push me along, never tires when I say WHAT CAN I MAKE OR RE-ARRANGE NEXT? I couldn't ask for a better 'Shmoopie." I luv him!
We have 4 children, Abbie 12, Autumn 11, Jackson 5, and our caboose "Charlee Ann" 9 months. They are my supporters...well, models whatever you want to call it.

I have always loved PHOTOGRAPHY. I got my first cheap "point and shoot" camera 4 years ago. I took pictures of EVERYTHING...leaves, grass, my kids, my house, snow...even the ugly dog down the street. I couldn't get enough. I did "photo shoots" of my kids all the time and I thought I was soooo GOOD! If anyone got hold of those I would now die!
2 years later I upgraded to a nicer camera...Still took many pictures and would never put it down. I came to realize this was becoming a passion of mine. I would search hours online looking at at pictures..babies, newborns, kids. It always put a lump in my throat. I would always think to myself "How do they do that?" I luved it so much. Never in MY wildest dreams would I think I would become one day!
10 months ago my LOVE arrived in the mail. A new CAMERA...That's what I wanted for my birthday/anniversary/valentines/Christmas and any other holidays this year.
I told my husband I wanted a "click click click click" camera...meaning it shoots really! I remember pulling it out of the box and thinking "holy CRAP" how am I going to learn all many buttons, lenses, filters and accesories. I was oblivious to anything. I knew nothing. Photoshop was also the SAME story.

Let the LEARNING begin...

I have met SO MANY friends through photography. MANY. Who led me in the right direction. I luv them! I've cried many many tears, lots of jump for joys,many smiles and frustration along with many struggles and some sleepless nights.
My family...supported me...loved me...had faith in me...told me to move forward. Many friends did the same. SO I DID! I started shooting for clients August of 08.

I can't believe it. I am where I DREAMED I would be many years ago. Never EVER thought it could be. I luv this talent I have discovered inside of me and I plan to move forward. I am extreeeemly excited to see where 09 takes me.
As my sister would say..."life is Yummy".

Thanks to my family, husband, children, friends and clients...I luv them!
It's great to give families the most wonderful gift...MEMORIES!

Now On a personal note from can SEE and FEEL Annies passion for living, when you view her blog you'll enjoy her vibrant personality, her love of seeking out a "most unique" place for a photo or just capturing an everyday moment all in her own unique way. That's what I love about her...that she is doing it "her way, her style, and that makes for a successful business. Annie you may think you have arrived...but I can't wait to see what you have accomplished say in 20 years(hopefully I will be around to see!) from now...or when your 90 of course by then I WILL be gone, thank heavens! Congratulations!

Annie and I were fortunate to display a home in a Northern Utah Parade of Homes and it was a pleasure to work with her and her family from Lavender House.
I invite you enjoy meeting her and her family The Wests at: and visit her work often. You will see how she handles raising her family, her joys and frustrations are almost to will laugh and you will cry. Thanks for sharing what you luv, I adore and admire you and I know you will now have more new friends to share your passions with.


  1. OH MY.............what a beautiful post!!
    My heart is overflowing...and gushing right out as tears streaming down my cheeks.
    What can I say....we adore and admire *our cabbose* as well!
    What joy and light she brings to us as well as those around her!
    THANKS BRENDA for spotlighting Annie this week.
    And THANKS ANNIE for sharing part of who you are with us.
    Blessings to you both no matter what the future holds!


  2. wow!! Where is a tissue? seriously!
    i dunno even what to say---i feel to blessed---I am surrounded by ANGELS---...Thank you brenda. So so very much!!

    You are definatly building your mansion upbove!

  3. What aa wonderful post! So uplifting!! Pictures are wonderful!
    Susan *dutchrose*

  4. Brenda

    What a lovely post.

    Annie is a joy.


  5. What a lovely tribute and a beautiful story. A passion for seeing all things beautiful and sharing it with others is something to be admired.

  6. Hi Brenda,, Thank you for sharing your friends. What a nice post. I enjoyed reading it and I will be sure to check out Annies blog as well... Have a pretty day..
    hugs, gail

  7. That's beautiful! The photography is so beautiful and natural! Love it!

    Pei Li

  8. Love the post on Annie. Annie is truly an angel to our family. I get to share in the joys of her life; a wonderful life that she has created through choices and through her passion. I couldn't be any prouder to call her my sister.

    Thanks Brenda for spotlighting Angel Annie.

  9. Wow, now that's a great blog. So cheerful and loving. I really enjoyed meeting your friend. Beautiful pictures. Wish I could visit the shop too. Tedi

  10. What an inspiration! Thank you so much for introducing us to Annie and her family!

    Pink hugs,

  11. What a lovely post Brenda.It was so nice to read. I'll be sure to check out Annie's blog.
    bunny kisses,

  12. How sweet are you and this girl Annie. She's a cutie & I love her photos.


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