Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bright Eyes foundation &.XO-LOVE (show love) Project

I would love to share this experience with you...Shellie, my daughter and her husband along with 6 others just returned from Playa Del Carmen to help out in one of the Mayan Villages there.They took donations and bought everyone in the village shoes...65 pair to be exact plus bought food items like rice, milk, beans, sugar. The Mayan Villagers were told from a recent trip(they went on a few months ago) of certain responsibilities they had to do in order to receive the shoes, food and a fun party. They believe in TEACHING instead of giving hand-outs.
They also believe in playing with the kids so they planned a big party...buying and stuffing pinata, bringing soccer balls,eating good food and played in a pond of water they call a cenote. Shellie called me one day and said mom you will not beleive this but these kids climb like little monkeys down this 40 ft. tree and swim in a big deep swimming hole and then they climb out just as easily. She said it scared her to death to see guess what...the next day she calls, and the WHOLE GROUP climbed down the 40' tree and swam with the kids. Hoping to post a picture...cant wait to see it myself! She said it was one of the funnest things she has ever done! I PROMISE myself RGHT NOW that when I go there...I am not climbing down that tree, well, I could MAYBE go down it, but would never be able to get back up! Visualize that one!!!
Cleanliness is a SERIOUS problem there. There are no bathrooms. The water purification is another project they are working on and medical needs. They also challenged the men to clean up the garbage in their areas and they would bring more things they needed when they return in a few more months. This past year things have fallen into place with them SO many times as far as connecting up with people who have developed sanitation (bluntly potty options) and cooking stoves that only use a few pieces of wood a day. These items too are earned by these villages, not just given. Shellie and Karen believe in living the Secret, the law of attraction...and it has certainly worked this past year in ways that are WAY BEYOND THEIR IMAGINATIONS. The doors have opened with humanitarians, business' getting involved and finding ways to improve the lives of our brothers and sisters here on earth. We certainly see the Lords hand in this work and she has found it to be her new passion. She went on her first humanitarian trip in March...and has now been 5 times since that...certainly something that just connected with her and it a blessing not only to her but to the beautiful orphans and villages in these third world countries.
It has also inspired her to return back to college to get a degree in Interntional studies and a minor in spanish. I have to admire her ambition and her heart being in the right place. God only gave me one daughter, she choses her own path to live, I respect that and I am so proud of her AND her AMAZINGLY KIND, HARD WORKING, COMPASSIONATE, SUPPORTIVE, SMART, GENEROUS,HUSBAND of hers. They both are comitted to this 100% together, which is such a joy to their lives.

The pictures you see are Shellie (my blonde)and Karen Reynolds...aren't they beautiful... and dont they look so happy among these children who love to be held and played with. Shellie, being an artist, promised to bring the children art they layed blankets down on the dirt and the kids each painted away on their own pictures, she just let them go with no teaching and she was awestruck to watch them paint their little hearts out and how their sweet little personalities shown through their pictures. These paintings will go up for a private fund raising auction in Las Vegas in January to business owners in the Xocai dark chocolate company.
This group has mentioned that there is GREAT NEED for any type of help...if you would ever love to travel down with them or even make a monetary donation they would greatly appreciate it. These villages have seriously nothing and need so much.
She is also in the beginning stages of finding property for starting an orphanage possibly in Tulum... Hoping this year to share more on its progress.

Here are some Options they have suggested for donating if you so wish to do so:

.Write a check to the Bright Eyes Foundation, drop off at the shop.
.Gift cards to Wal-mart, costco even office depot.
.New clothes for all ages, boys: sizes 1-18, adult clothes, socks, underwear, pants shirts, sweater, light jackets, coats, new blankets large or small. These people are Myans...they are NATURALLY SMALL people.
.School supplies new, pens paper pencils backpacks, notebooks, activities, paints and brushes. Toys, new. balls trucks, cars, non battery operated toys, dolls.
.Personal hygiene items, toothpaste toothbrushes combs and brushes.

If you have any groups of people, scouts, even families...PROJECTS ANY TIME OF THE YEAR looking for someway they can help, please contact us at the shop 451-2556 or 628-0890 or 971-9450 and we can guide your event with a successful opportunity.

We have the BEST customers in the world at Just a Bed of Roses...thanks for letting me share this wonderful experience with you. In January I want to show pictures and tell of their experience with their trip to Guatamala, it was with Enterprise Mentors international...a trip of a life time! This foundation helps people in 3rd world countries open business' to sustain their families lives, its a wonderful story, cant wait to share it.
In January 2009 our theme is: I love you truely...(all things we love) so that is a "sneek peek" of the New Year coming to Just a Bed of Roses!


  1. Shellie is a beautiful woman - starting from the Inside, then out. She has a unique generosity of spirit that is desperately needed in this day and age. Does she realize that there are people like me, who read your blog, and have kept track of what she is doing for the Children/People - and we just want to hug her, to tell her how amazing she is, to tell her what a beautiful thing it is to do what she does? I see her gorgeous face amongst those precious children and I see the happiness and the love - she is radiant, and the kids look so happy to be around her. Brenda, God gave you only one daughter, as you said. But, I think that God gave you the greatest gift in your lifetime, when He gave Shellie to you. I am going to put my thinking cap on for collecting donations for the missions. I would be honored to be a part of it. BIG HUGS to Shel! xoxo

  2. Sheri, you are such a dear yourself and I just read on your website about your comittment to share with the Mayan children and to name a catagory of your beautiful tags in their honor. What a blessing it will be to them and I will put it out there that doors will open for you that you never dreamed possible.
    I too never thought I could be a part of humanitarian, thought it was only for the rich and retired.... But that was my negative thinking at work. Recession or not I also am working a plan to join in by selling certain items in the shop that will help me to live out some of my dreams to do humanitarian work now and not when I retire. The law of attraction, the secret does work...we just have to put it out there because our little minds cannot comprehend the magnitude of what can really come true. Bless you, and I know one day you will be a regular writer and photographer for famous magazines...I just know it!
    And you know your comments made us cry...tears of love.

  3. Thank you for sharing that post. What a wonderful and amazing daugher you have. The children look so happy. It sounds like she has found her calling.

  4. What a wonderful many children in this world...American children included...who need help...bankers who blow billions should know the compassion your daughter has...
    Susan *dutchrose*

  5. This is truly beautiful. Thanks fo sharing and inspiring us all.

  6. Wow what an incredible woman Shellie is! Thanks for sharing this post. It was so nice to see so many happy faces. Makes me smile myself.

  7. Brenda ~

    You must be so proud of your daughter.

    She looks like she is having the time of her life!


  8. That is wonderful! I love charity work! It is good to see people helping others! Let me know if you would be interested in doing something to benifit this foundation with the Holidays, maybe Valentines Day. Email me at if you are interested!

  9. Your daughter is a person of light. It truly takes an angel to care so much. I would love to pass along supplies for her labor of love this coming year. I'll have to talk to you about it more.
    Lots of love to you,


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