Monday, December 15, 2008

Salt Lake City...Ringing in CHRISTMAS & stringing nut garlands

Sunday was worth traveling the SNOW PACKED freeway to spend the morning with the famous Tabernacle choir performing their Bells Christmas program...many of you know that I love them...probably because I am so NON-musical myself and appreciate the spirit that they bring to the world. There were BELL garlands, BELL swags that came down from the ceiling and ringers would ring them, groups of BELL ringers, BELLS in the village towers displayed, Oh it was so magnificent. We got there 10 mins. before it started...then its on tv at 9:30 called Music & Spoken Word... so you have to be very very quiet, no coughing clapping laughing.Isn't the snow pretty?
Afterwards, no one answered our phone calls at Shellies home...we figured "must be in church" so we snuck into their church & sat with them. Sitting in front of me was the well respected & knowledgeable Sheri Dew CEO of Deseret book etc etc etc. I whispered to Shellie..."how does that teacher dare teach with her in the room" and just then Sheri raised her hand to comment and the teacher said "Sheri, I told you never to come in here while I am teaching!" That was a funny experience.
Onto shellies to see how she is coming along with preparing her home for the family Christmas party...(mind you she has college finals this week) You can see more nutcrackers are appearing in trees, mantle and everywhere else. What's really new that you MAY want to try yourself ( ha ha ha) is the HAND STRUNG nut seriously... her husband drilled holes in ALL these little tiny nuts and she strung garlands and hung them on the roses posts which now are lighted and on the mantle. I said "who does that Shellie!" and she said she couldnt find fake garlands anywhere. Hope she stores them away from the mice! What we don't do for the holidays!!!
THE EXCITEMENT OF CHRISTMAS IS IN THE AIR...we stopped at the shop on the way home to see what new had arrived over the weekend, very blingy things...I took pictures but have no time to post them as I must get ready for a very busy day at work...will show tomorrow or again, come see for yourself!

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