Thursday, November 27, 2008

Results on being Grateful...

I just received my newsletter from the tabernacle choir...they showed a study on three groups and the results we receive by being grateful each day, even writing our gratitude check out the results.Well, you may have to suscribe to this one. However go to this: www.musicand

Do you have a "bucket list"...I do, it's certainly not full but the first thing I put on it was to travel with the Mormon Tabernacle choir on one of their every two year tours, did you know you can do that? I made sure to be at the top of the list so i called many months ago. And today they have publicly announced the 2009 U.S Central States tour. We have already put a down payment, and are so looking forward to this spiritual experience of traveling with over 400 members of the most beautiful people in the world. (now I need to lose some weight...good incentive?)
I can't sing at I always marvel at them and the peace i receive when I listen to the spoken word each Sunday morning or travel down to watch them live in Salt Lake city. Now that's a great thing to put on your "bucket list."
Did you know that Lloyd Newell who is the narrator writes the messages each week, I marvel at this too and always find comfort and inspiration from his messsages that help me during the week.
In this world we need to seek out what gives our soul peace and strength to help us live each day more fully. We truely are blessed when we take time to think about it.

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