Saturday, October 4, 2008

Love the rain...however!

Lets face it, we need the rain, love it and expect it over the fall Conference's tradition.

HOWEVER water came pouring from two of the shop ceilings light fixtures in the middle of the afternoon Saturday and I quickly was trying to rescue shop merchandise and keep customers safe, it was alot of water and it was pouring rain outside. My first thoughts was to the apartment upstairs... thinking it couldnt be the rain doing this. She admitted there was water coming out of the washers rinse cycle. Hmmmm...I'm no detective...BUT!!!

Landlord thinks its her wash machine, she still feels strongly that it was the rain, leaky bad roof AND the wash machine. I think Sunday will be a good test with all the rain to see who's right...him or her?

In the mean time it will test out my new blood pressure pills ...okay Brenda, be calm, don't worry!

The boys and their families came to dinner today, husband cooked up A STORM with his new taste of home cookbook...seriously, he worked in the kitchen after work last night and all day today, it was all yummy and everyone enjoyed being together. son worked diligently on my computer and in the end it still didn't do what I needed it to do so off it went with him for the next few weeks. He did fix the laptop, so I was thinking that right now I would post all the pictures I had taken of Halloween at the shop...WELL, I HAD DOWNLOADED THEM ON THE MAIN COMPUTER and erased the pictures before I knew computer was leaving home.
Was I just talking about staying calm...okay Brenda, be can always take more! Come Tuesday when at the shop if there has not been a flood then I will again take Halloween pictures.
Who knows...I may be back to blogging before this month is over!

Hope you too are having a cozy weekend with those you love, see you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda,

    Wow! Sorry to hear about your roof! I had a similar experience over the summer. :)

    Have so much fun in DW. It was fun talking with you the other day! Get well soon!

    Jenni B


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