Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Here is The Famous (yes, you are famous now Jenni)...Jenni B the faux dessert designer and maker. Jenni came for a visit today since she is vacationing in her home state Utah. This girl is as sweet as her cupcakes and I was just honored to have her come to the shop. ..and isn't she photogenic??? Oh my! Please mark your calendar to come visit her in person and sign your own desserts in December as we will do an open house. Wow... Jenni, I have been in this business for a long time and it's not everyday that someones talent puts them on the Martha Stewart show...and this girl is just a baby! (meant in a very nice way!)
Our FAMOUS Altered Art Neclace designer Jayna came for a visit with Jenni too. Jayna designed a special neclace for Jenni and darn it I forgot to take a picture of just the neclace so I'm hoping Jenni will put one on her blog and we'll direct you over to it...The neclace said" Jenni B. taught Martha (one the front) and on the back it said "and its a good thing". It had Jenni's cupcakes for the pictures. Outstanding always... Jayna and soooo glad you too could meet Jenni.

Here is Julie V...who just happen to be shopping and was thrilled to pieces when Jenni walked in. She had Jenni sign 5 cupcakes and went home to make a beautiful display in her own glass cake saver. Julie is a big fan of Jayna's altered art neclaces too and has had some priceless ones designed by her. Julie brought me in some freezer jam and little tomatoes to snack on...She has such a generous heart, so I'm really glad Jenni came while she was there.

Jenni's mother in law accompanied her to the shop, what a delight to meet such a lovely person and it was even more special to find out she lives by my daughter Shellie and was a Visiting teacher to her. That just tickled me to know this. How fun for her to do some shop visiting with Jenni and she was even there at the Martha Stewart show taping. Lucky Mother in law!
Well, I just saw my three I'm going to agree with the psychic and darn... start walking!
Oh, I understand you want more psychic information...yes...I will disclose more later.


  1. Wow, Brenda! That is so awesome! I wish I could meet her, too. Maybe she will come to Dallas soon... Thanks for sharing!

  2. So exciting Brenda! Will we get to meet you in Virginia? I hope so! You sound like fun.

  3. You look just beautiful Brenda! Don't hide from the camera. It must have been fun meeting Jenni. She looks very sweet. And yes.. photogenic! It sounds like you had a fun day.
    Huggs, MB

  4. How exciting Brenda!! Looks like you all had so much fun. Love the saying on the necklace.

  5. What a treat that must have been Brenda. I love your shop ...what I can see in the background. Wish I could visit. ~ Lynn

  6. Hey Brenda! YAY, I'm so glad you got to spend some time with Jenni B. Isn't she the sweetest thing! I really enjoyed all the photos and story of her visit. How fun too that you'll be doing an open house in December. I have got to get Jenni to send me some signed cupcakes for my new green kitchen!

    You look beautiful Brenda! But I do want to know more about that psychic! I saw a palm reader years ago in Florida while on vacation just for goofs and it was pretty amazing the things she told me and it turned out that everything she predicted did actually come true!

    I am back on the diet & exercise plan. As much as I hate to admit it it's the only thing that really works! Somehow sitting at the computer and sewing just do not work when it comes to getting fit! Drat it! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Thanks for sharing your visit with Jenni. YOur shop looks gorgeous too. What a great day having all of those special visitors! (())gail

  8. What a treat! So glad you had a wonderful day with Jenni B, sounds like it was great fun.


  9. Brenda ~
    What a fun day !
    Jenni is just a doll ~
    I love your pictures ~ they are wonderful !


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