Friday, August 1, 2008

All is well...

Would love to tell you thank you so much for your prayers and support, they worked and my dad seemed like a new man 2 hours after his operation. It's really a miracle and we feel so blessed and he was so happy last night. And of course he is going to mow EVERYONES lawns now! You should see the garden this 80 year old man grows and that was with only 40 irregular he has 70 regular beats...oh no!!! His color was so good, he looked at least 10 years younger and his voice came back as it had been so weak and whispery ( he told us last night he was thinking he had throat cancer because he was losing his voice!). So pacemakers are awesome.
So good news! If there are complications, we dont want to know about them, we will stay in denial and remain positive. He had a 4 hour wait before know thats just torture to the patient and family. So it was a long long day, and then I hit the construction around centerville, oh what a long drive home at 10:00 p.m.
It was still a lovely day to be with my family and I was SO THANKFUL to Julie V. who rescued the shop, she had a short training and took over so beautifully so I had no worries about the customers needs. Thanks from the bottom of my heart Julie, you are just precious to do this and your a wonderful customer I always look forward to her coming in. Julies dad passed away this year so she understood what I would be going through, the worries and all.
So for now...all is well ...all is well.


  1. i'm glad for you that your dad is on the mend :) my dad is also 85 and we know we are blessed every day he is with us. and he feels blessed to be alive each day!

  2. It's a wonderful blessing that your Dad is doing so much better. Tell him he can come mow my yard any day!


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