Saturday, June 21, 2008

Glitter Bling Sparkle Roses Crowns ...

Thats what's dancing through my head right now, wish I could settle it down (no I don't)but it won't stop. Now the shop needs its make-over to make room for the exciting inventory that will start arriving each week until Christmas (was that a bad word in the heat of June???)
Just arrived home from Market and the Xocai the dark healthy chocolate convention in Reno Nevada. Year 3 for Xocai and the new omega chocolates are scrumptuous. It's growing by leaps and bounds as it is an awesome network marketing company. People from all over the world.
We had the best evening being entertained by my friends step son Jason Huellett. He is the best there is in impersonations entertainment. I could take a whole page describing how talented he is, and its the best talent in the world when you can make people laugh outloud for an hour. He ended his show with a Jim Carrey impersonation that was to bust a rib laughing about. You must find a way to see him, I will see if he has some kind of website and post it. He will be very famous, he is almost there for sure!
New Vicoria bliss magazine just arrived as always... stunning. Somerset Life & somerset summer blog books are on their way, I am like you...cant wait until they come and remember they will hit the shop before they hit your homes and markets. Come Tuesday there will be LOTS OF JEWELRY OLD AND NEW PIECES, along with piles of vintage linens and vintage plates, come see. Reminder...Tuesday is 20% off vintage dishes, Wednesday 20% off linens, Thursday Suprise Friday 20% off anything Pink and Saturday 20% off any jewelry, old and new!!! whoa, thats just to cool!
I hope having the shop closed this week was not too inconvenient for anyone, have a nice warm week-end.

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