Sunday, May 4, 2008

Life. Money. Hope...FINANCIAL PEACE Dave Ramsey coming to Utah

Dave Ramsey Live will be at the E Center in Salt Lake City, Utah on May 17...we are taking our MARRIED children as Dave is one of our family idols. He has been a big part of our life for over 7 years now.It will be a life changing experience you wont regret the time spent. If you will email me at I can give you a code that will save you 10.00 off your ticket making it 22.00 which is a bargain of the century. Dave doesnt take credit cards only debits! Dave is entertaining , HIGHLY motivating, you will be so inspired plus you will never look at money in the same way again. The knowledge will be invaluable.
He has funny sayings such as credit card cutting up is a plasectomy. Another is: live like no other so that later you can live like no other. He gives you hope in a hopeless situation, he has a workable plan. When you pay off your home: The grass feels greener! Sometimes we pay "stupid tax" (how many times do we do that!!!) Hey, we make mistakes!
We love to listen to him in the evenings between 7:00-10:00 p.m. on 570 a.m. radio . My favorite book by Dave: total money make-over.
My husband and I took the first Financial Peace University class in the State of Utah supported by Zions Bank it is a 13 week course (fee is super low and best money you will EVER spend). By the 3rd class I was begging to be a Volunteer class Co-ordinator in our area, which we gladly did for 2 years and was one of the most rewarding experience in our lives.
It was turned over to Debbie Reynolds West Haven , classes at Country view this is one focused gal...Debbie , I have the highest respect for what you are doing...she volunteers 2 times a year to co-ordinate and put on 13 week classes thats 26 night classes plus registration! She is a living example of the rewards and joys that come from living Financial Peace. Debbie I hope you are blessed beyond measure for what you are so unselfishly teaching.

It wasn't until we took the classes that we really "got it" and made progress with our finances together. Can you imagine actually doing a budget and be in the same room with your marriage partner!!! Dave says we do baby steps and sometimes we are little crock pots. And of course at first there just isnt enough money to go around...You learn how to deal with THAT SITUATION too! We made the big step of paying off our home this year...YES, the grass IS greener!Vacations are paid for in advance, oh they are so much more of a real vacation that way. It is comforting and feels secure to us in these times where gas prices are now changing the way we live as we both work on comission sales ONLY.
This would make a lasting mothers day present...take your family too and enjoy the blessings of how to get to financial peace. Then you too can "live like no later you can live like no other .
See you there! And if you arent in Utah go to and find a class near you.

1 comment:

  1. Dave Ramsey is a life saver. I wouldn't miss him either !

    We don't have our home paid off (yet) but we are very close.



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