Monday, April 28, 2008

Teaching families SERVICE....for SHOW & TELL monday

My daughter Shellie just returned from a life changing trip to Mexico in which she went with a group to give service to an orphanage. I have asked her to share this beautiful life altering experience with you...hopefully today she can do this. Shellie has 4 children 10 and under and this is a book that
helps her in teaching them that life isnt all about us and TRUE HAPPINESS is in SERVING those less fortunate as us. I beleive you can never to to young to learn service. She will probably tell you that this is her new PASSION in life and share with you what she wants to accomplish.
Merrilee Boyack the books auther is a Lawyer and shares her life of service and has brilliant ideas that her family has accomplished. This is a MUST HAVE!


  1. Brenda, I absolutely agree w/ you on service. I have always found that serving others brings me more joy than I ever thought it would. I'm looking forward to reading about your daughter's experiences down south.

    Hugs, :)

  2. Hi Brenda,

    I'm looking forward to reading about your daughter's experience. This is a great post..

    Have a good week ahead.

    Pei Li

  3. Thank you so much for sharing, I can't wait to read more about your daughters work in Mexico.
    PiNK HuGS, xoxo

  4. Brenda,
    Thanks for sharing. I too agree. There is nothing more rewarding than service. Have a wonderful day.


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