Thursday, April 10, 2008

TAX DAY ....why I hate it!

I love my work and work so hard at it each and every day, I try to stay positive and love how the business is growing and especially love each customer that walks through the door, they add something to my life. The shop is now 14 months old and growing steadily, thank you customers!

So why is it that when it is TAX DAYpreparation I just want to go crawl under the covers? My theory is that I dont face ALL THE FACTS until THAT DAY of preparation...when the tax lady tells me the losses I am a bit WHAT!!! Uncle Sam doesn't put his arm around me and tell me your doing a beautiful job with the shop...I love America , freedom and the many opportunities to own our own business. I really do hate how our tax money is wasted.
Again, I will make better effort to write down daily my expenses, try to make a profit, keep track of inventory more efficiently and quit spending so much as I want to be here next year too.

Thank goodness tax day is over and I am fine now...better than ever actually and ready to do better this year...and besides it actually felt good to crawl under the covers for a few hours!
Last night I took these paper relics papers and framed them for the shop...of course I shopped out of my garage AGAIN for the frames...3 down... only 100 or more to go... I'm such a packrat!

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