Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3 AMAZING WISHES for Sadie Huish

I found this blog this morning as it was on our news, it's about this most beautiful little girl in Utah that was diagnosed with a newly discovered inoperable brain cancer... her name is Sadie Huish, here is her blog: http://www.sadiehuish.blogspot.com/ Be sure to get your kleenex out first.

She made 3 wishes and you can follow them on her blog with her family.

I really am at a loss for words at the moment...my daily problems seem so very small in comparison. Join me in praying and offering words of support to her beautiful family.

My mother was told a month ago that she has breast cancer...we are under the impression that it can easily be removed and its the best kind to have and even rated a zero as it is calcification in the duct. We are praying that when its removed they will not find anything worse. Appreciate prayers on her behalf also. Our family has not had to deal with the word Cancer so far so this is very new to us.
One thing I do know is that the Jon Hunstman Cancer Hospital is THE place to go when dealing with cancer. My mother hates dr.s & hospitals and LOVES the Hunstman center and her dr. there. This is a blessing in itself.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brenda,
    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. And Sadie too.
    Lots of love,


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