In the shop we sell many wonderfully handmade altered art neclaces. Jayna brings them in every other day and we have a clientle that checks out her work quite often...some may have a slight ADDICTION to her neclaces.
Well, I too love them and here is one that jayna did for me to give to my daughter on Christmas eve. It is a picture of her father bathing in the kitchen sink, notice the saw hanging on the kitchen wall...WHAT was that for? Cutting up chickens for dinner? It shows of his humble beginnings although not born in a stable. He had Dutch parents, so he has the Dutch trait of having a big head, so on the back I had her put that for a saying as Shellie always notices people with the big dutch head.
Dont you think it's so artistically & cleaverly been put together...
Brenda - That necklace Jayna made for you turned out wonderfully! It's so much fun to get something that is personalized!