What a pleasure to have Alisa Bangerter visit the shop today...I knew whom she was right after her mother walked in, as her mother has told me for some time now that Alisa was going to come in one day.
She is as delightful & cute in person as she is on tv. Do you watch her on Studio 5, she has the funnest segments...parties and gathering, and if you know at all about her she doesn't do just an average party. Her creativity shines. The days I am home, I always stop what I am doing and watch studio 5 at 11:00 a.m. Alisa says the days you can't watch then go to ksl.com and click on studio 5, or just type her name in search and it will take you to all her segments and they have more detail than her 8 mins. on the show.
That sounds like a helpful thing doesnt it, I mean, how many times do you want to do something fun and don't know what to do...well, let alisa take care of that for you and it will be a hit of a party.
So...one of our customers insisted on an autograph, then I couldnt let her outdo me, so I had to ask too. I had her do it on Jo Packams page in the new Where women create. It was her editors page where she talks about friends and how important they are to us. And...I hope alisa one day gets into this book...after all, she is a creator...alot in her kitchen possibly?
Do you want some inside scoop on what Alisa and her cutest daughter was attracted to? Lets say they are the proud owners of Jayna's altered art neclaces and each had to have a big purse!
Here my granddaughter Chloe posing at Rainbow Gardens in the mouth of Ogden Canyon, we snuck a quick get away up there to see what was happening...I always love window displays and with a cute granddaughter included had to be the best part.
Chloe, although a bit bashful wanted more pictures...kids now days are really use to lots of "say cheeses" arent they?