A big HELLO...Just a bed of roses customers. My name is Debi Reynolds (no, not THAT Debbie!) and I want you to know that LIFE IS GOOD! If you listen to the news or read the papers, you know there is a scary recession, many job layoffs and economic ruin on our doorsteps. Well, not for me and don't you believe it either. My husband and I are debt-free and secure. You can be too by following some simple steps with FOCUSED DETERMINATION.
Let me start at the beginning.
In 2002 we were bopping around like everyone else..2 kids still at home in college and high school, oldest daughter married, had DEBT AND MARRIAGE CONFLICTS BECAUSE OF MONEY. A friend turned us on to the Dave Ramsey show, a radio show about finances. Dave's "live totally debt-free" message really hit home with us. We listened to his show, read his books and, for the first time in 26 years of marriage, started working together with our money It took us two years of INTENSITY AND PERSISTENCE, but we became totally debt-free, INCLUDING OUR HOUSE!
In those two years, with an annual income of 70,000 we had paid off 40,000 in debt, saved a $15,000 emergency fund and added $17,000 to our retirement savings. We cut WAY back and MADE IT HAPPEN...no excuses, no op-outs...and what a difference this made in our marriage!
Since that time, my husband and I have become co-ordinators of DAVE RAMSEYS FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY classes...a 13 week course that "empowers and gives hope to everyone from the financially distressed to the financially secure." We are co-ordinating our 10th class right now. People ask us all the time why we do this, since we volunteer our time and make no money from the class or sale of supplies. Sometimes we ask ourselves that same question, but when we see our students CATCH THE VISION and HAVE HOPE for their future, we KNOW why this is such a PASSION for us.
For more information check out www.daveramsey.com. You can also listen to his radio show 570 a.m. 7-10 p.m. mon-friday. Financial Peace revisited and total money makeover are available at bookstores and libraries. You may also email me at randalldebi@msn.com Thanks to Mike Geilman, Principal of Country View Elementary who provides the building for a comfortable class..He is a Dave fan too!
On a PERSONAL NOTE from Brenda...I attended their first class last evening in Roy,they are so organized and live what they teach. My husband and I were co-ordinators for a few series and then Reynolds took over, I COMMEND them for their passion, to help families get the right tools and work on financial peace to change their family histories.We began with Dave Ramsey 7-8 years ago when he was unknown and took the first FPU class in the state of Utah, that's when we REALLY started to be able to TALK about money and not FIGHT about it. I love Dave's sense of Humor...anytime you can put money & FUNNY together then it's a winner in my eyes, the class videos makes you laugh at life and our sometime/many times stupid mistakes,we all make them!
We're taking this MOTIVATING course AGAIN, being a LIFE TIME passionate member. I want to do it for Just a Bed of Roses. The shop is succeeding (thanks too you) and I know that my 13 week commitment to its financial security will make sure we are there for years to come. SO Sorry customers...ITS A LITTLE IRONIC but NOT planned that SHOPAHOLIC comes out today...(Do I need to sneek out and go see it this afternoon?) Thanks Randy and Debbie Reynolds...YOU are ANGELS here on earth!